Saturday, 24 December 2016

Geoengineering conspiracies Top Trumps

This and the following blog post will attempt to address some of the crazy and borderline conspiracy geoengineering theories that are to be found from all corners of the web, evaluated in a ‘top-trump’ style review of each engineering method, because, well, why not? Each technique will by rated out of 100 points based on its ability to save the planet, it's cost-effectiveness, it's negative impacts and a realism rating - a higher rating being beneficial for each focus.

Ocean Fertilisation: The dumping of nutrients (e.g. Dust Fe) as a carbon removal option with the intention of this increasing productivity amongst microscopic phytoplankton in the oceans thus increasing the oceans carbon uptake.  

Dam the Med: Introducing a dam in the Mediterranean ocean, which could allow warmer water to circulate towards Canada creating increased snowfall and expanding Canada's diminishing Ice sheets.

Flood Death Valley: Flooding below sea-level Death Valley, and other similar localities could help fight rising sea levels

Wrapping Greenland in reflective blankets: Suggested by glacier expert Dr. Jason Box, wrapping Greenland in a reflective blanket would attempt t reflect more of the sun's energy back into space, thus reducing surface temperatures, allowing for greater control of the Earth's Albedo. 

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